La Vie Botanique is a home for products that enhance your lifestyle with plants. Our products are completely hand made/assembled and we put all of our love and care into each item that is shipped out to you. Our materials have been meticulously researched and tested to ensure that every item you receive is of high quality, durability, but more importantly—unique and special. We hope that our line of products makes your routine and maintenance with plants easier, more convenient, and so much more fun!
A note from our Founder and Owner, Kim,
on La Vie Botanique (the Botanical Life):
In the journey of collecting and owning house plants, everything is a learning lesson. Every propagation, every growing method, every potting medium has a story to tell. Plants are enduringly and almost masochistically forgiving of (human) mistakes. An entire root system can be destroyed only to be regrown. All of a plant’s leaves can shed and it can still find the energy to produce new leaves. Plants are resilient and always find ways to s u r v i v e.
Plants grow often without us realizing it and things are always happening under the surface that surprise us over and over again. In less than ideal conditions, they survive. But in the right or even just better conditions, they will thrive - much, much like humans. Every day, plants grow, die, survive, thrive, or are reborn and it is a reminder that there is always a way. We learn with plants what they require for both growth and happiness and that means as humans, we are capable of this consistency in our own lives.
Owning plants is an experimentation. It’s a journey of love, disappointment, sadness, and triumphs. Just like living. Propagation is a gamble—sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn’t. And when we’re successful, we end up with an abundance, much like taking risks in our own lives that can be scary but end up rewarding. The botanical life (la vie botanique) is a remarkably beautiful cycle that can bring wistfulness but hopefully is followed by excitement as we remember new growth is on the way, to be enjoyed as much as or even more than the old.

Plant on with love.